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How Will the New Tax Plan Affect You?

For Mark Roberts' Use: Throughout the busy holiday season, Congress and the new tax plan remained hot topics in the news. Yes, they did finally reach an agreement, and our income tax structure will undergo a significant renovation. It can often be difficult to ascertain exactly how these events will play out for individuals, but [...]

By |2018-01-06T09:48:46-06:00January 6th, 2018|Financial tips|0 Comments

Plan Carefully to Claim This Valuable Tax Deduction

For Mark Roberts' Use: December has arrived, and with it we receive holiday cheer, crowded shopping malls, sparkling decorations everywhere we look, and fake charity scams. Wait, what? Yes, you unfortunately read that correctly. While most of us are feeling joyful and generous, a few unscrupulous sorts are feeling greedy and manipulative. And if we [...]

By |2018-02-28T22:37:59-06:00December 9th, 2017|Financial tips|0 Comments

How Easy Would it Be to Scam You?

For Mark Roberts' Use:  Those of us who consider ourselves to be rational people, well educated on financial issues, tend to believe that we could never fall for a fraudulent money scam. Maybe it’s because we think these things aren’t all that common, and they mostly just happen on TV. Or perhaps it’s because we [...]

By |2017-07-27T10:43:34-05:00July 23rd, 2017|Financial tips|0 Comments

Get a Head Start on Tax Deductions

For Mark Roberts' Use: Now that April has ended, most of us have finished filing our income taxes for 2016. Or, at the very least, you filed an extension and bought yourself some breathing room until October. Whew! So you’re done with tax concerns until next spring, right? Unfortunately, no, you’re never really “finished” with taxes! [...]

By |2017-06-19T09:25:47-05:00June 19th, 2017|Financial tips|0 Comments
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