

Social Security COLA Soon to be Announced

For Mark Roberts' Use: Any day now, we will receive the news of next year’s cost of living adjustment (COLA) for Social Security beneficiaries. These numbers are typically released mid-October, with the increase (if any) taking effect in January of the following year. While we wait for the official announcement, let’s take a look at predictions, [...]

By |2018-10-08T07:50:55-05:00October 8th, 2018|Retirement|0 Comments

Four Steps to Take Before You Turn 60

For Mark Roberts' Use: We all know that the ideal way to prepare for retirement includes early planning and saving. Hopefully, you got started in your twenties or at least by your thirties. But in most cases, we really start to think about retirement (and feel concerned) in our forties and fifties. At this point your [...]

By |2018-09-17T09:45:30-05:00September 17th, 2018|Retirement|0 Comments

Evaluate Social Security Before You Retire

For Mark Roberts' Use: For most of us, our retirement income will be generated from at least two sources. We frequently focus on the sources that you can establish for yourself, such as utilizing a 401(k), IRA, annuities, and other options. But you will probably receive Social Security benefits as well, so let’s shift gears [...]

By |2018-09-10T08:37:19-05:00September 10th, 2018|Retirement|0 Comments

How Do You Know if You Need a Financial Advisor?

For Mark Roberts Use: We all know, or have heard of, someone who never went to the doctor for regular check-ups. Then, one day, they frantically make an appointment. A lump was discovered or some other unusually distressing symptom popped up. Tragically, this person discovers that they have developed a serious illness, that could have been [...]

By |2018-07-02T08:12:45-05:00July 2nd, 2018|Financial tips, Retirement|0 Comments
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